Thursday, July 19, 2012
Pakistan Army Continues operation on Baloch IDPs on Balochistan Border Areas in Punjab.
According to Baloch Human Rights Organisation, Pakistani State continues its slow motion
genocide policies on Baloch people, military operation extended to Balochistan/Sindh and Punjab border areas where hundrads of thousand of Baloch IDPs living in the refugee camps. These people left their homes during Pakistan army's air attacks on sui and dera bugti areas since than these Bugti tribes and their families living as refugees in sindh and punjab border areas, atfter terrorising and killing seven people in isplengi area of Mustung, Pakistani ethnic punjabi army extended its air and ground assult on IDP camps in dera Bugti and Rajanpour areas, so far two people Mawali Qasir Bugti and Ganjar khar Bugti have been killed , six Baloch injured and several people arrested and taken away undisclosed location along with injured. Meanwhile operation still continues in isplengi and Nalent areas of Turbat. According to BHRO human right violation is in its peak in Balochistan by State of Pakistan and its so called security agencies. And once again appeal to international media, United Nations and international human right groups to act against this worse human right violation by pakistani state.
Monday, July 9, 2012
New Pakistani Military offensive on Baloch people begins:

As predicted by press release by BSO Azad on may 23rd 2012, Pakistan's ethnic Punjabi Army Started its full Military offensive against people of Balochistan, Pakistani military offensive spread all over Kalat, Manguchar, Nagahi, Kohe Maruu, Mastung and other adjoining areas. Pakistan air force fighter and gunship helicoters are busy once for all assult against unarm Baloch people, so far seven people confirmed dead most of the casualities are women and children, as usual pakistani media looking other way. All roads are blocked injured are not being allowed to acces near by Hospitals. According to latest reports, entire above mentioned areas are under Pakistani military siege and army is carrying out a house-to-house raid to abduct youths.

Tuesday, June 26, 2012
UN does express its concern about the drone attacks in Pakistan but has never shown concern about Pakistan Air Force’s attacks on innocent Baloch civilians.
The Baloch leader Hyrbyair Marri has said we (Baloch) have always welcomed international Humanitarian organisations and NGO’s in Balochistan hoping that they will report about on-going Human Rights violations against Baloch people and help the people of effected areas on time but it is disappointing that none of the International Organisation have appealed the UN to visit Balochistan. Mr Marri expressed grave concern that the International Community headed by UN was being blackmailed by Pakistan because she has carried out five major military operations in Balochistan and committed crimes against humanity but they (UN) has not brought a single Pakistani official to justice so far. Neither did the UN ever question Pakistan for the nuclear blasts on Baloch soil without the consent of Baloch nation in Rashkoh, Balochistan. Nor did it send a delegation of UN experts to gauge the nuclear radiations. Whereas it is a disastrous situation in Chaghai and Kharan districts on both sides of Raskoh mountain range as people suffer from different mysterious skin diseases and cancer. There have been hundreds of cases where women gave birth to abnormal babies and similarly livestock are affected by diseases but none of the International Organisations have ever spoken about the aftermaths of these nuclear tests – they are not even allowed to visit these areas.
Similarly in 2005 military operation, hundreds of thousands of Baloch women and children were force-displaced from their home in Dera Bugti and Kohistan Marri, till this day no International Organisation including the UN has supported them. In August 2006 the UNISEF had recorded the number of force-displaced women and children from Dera Bugti and Kohistan Marri as 59000 and expressed its desire to help them but Pakistan had asked the Chief of UNISEF to leave the country and UN was also prevented from helping the Baloch victims of forced-displacement. Those who were forced to leave Kohistan Marri and Dera Bugti are still living in appalling conditions in Jaafarabad and Dera AllahYar areas of Balochistan.
Hyrbyair Marri said the UN does express its concern about the drone attacks in Pakistan but has never shown concern about Pakistan Air Force’s attacks on innocent Baloch civilians – several innocent Baloch including women and children have been killed by Pakistani aerial bombardment in Balochistan. Mr Marri further said that before Pakistan used to conceal its Air Strikes in Balochistan but now they are openly threating to use its air force. UN should pass a resolution to declare Occupied Balochistan a no fly zone for Pakistan like it did in Iraq, Kovoso and Libya because UN’s reluctance to take action has encouraged Pakistan to burn several Baloch villages and spread terror in cities by abducting most well-educated section of Baloch society including lawyers, Doctors, intellectuals, teachers and students; to this day abductions and under-custody killings of Baloch activists continues.
The Voice for Baloch Missing Person, an organisation striving for the release of abducted Baloch, has reported that over 14,000 Baloch have been forcefully disappeared (abducted) so far, hundreds of them have been killed and dumped – under the new kill & dump policy by Pakistani security agencies. In such circumstances the Baloch nation reserves the right to question the UN that why is it having double standards toward Balochistan? In other parts of world UN took notice of less serious human rights violations, intervened and played a positive role whereas in occupied Baluchistan, Baloch women, children, elderly and common citizen are being killed and abducted for asking for their basic and democratic rights, and UN is playing the role of a silent spectator.
The Baloch leader has strongly appealed to the United Nations that it should consider the on-going Human Rights Violations coupled with Baloch National question and take affective steps to resolve Balochistan issue because further delay can result in a human tragedy as Pakistan is adamant to keep Balochistan under her occupation and continue to loot Baloch natural wealth, on the other hand the Baloch nation is not ready to compromise their National Identity and motherland. “In such conditions we urge the UN to physically intervene instead of only showing concern because the UN has the mandate to act practically”, said Mr Marri.
Similarly in 2005 military operation, hundreds of thousands of Baloch women and children were force-displaced from their home in Dera Bugti and Kohistan Marri, till this day no International Organisation including the UN has supported them. In August 2006 the UNISEF had recorded the number of force-displaced women and children from Dera Bugti and Kohistan Marri as 59000 and expressed its desire to help them but Pakistan had asked the Chief of UNISEF to leave the country and UN was also prevented from helping the Baloch victims of forced-displacement. Those who were forced to leave Kohistan Marri and Dera Bugti are still living in appalling conditions in Jaafarabad and Dera AllahYar areas of Balochistan.
Hyrbyair Marri said the UN does express its concern about the drone attacks in Pakistan but has never shown concern about Pakistan Air Force’s attacks on innocent Baloch civilians – several innocent Baloch including women and children have been killed by Pakistani aerial bombardment in Balochistan. Mr Marri further said that before Pakistan used to conceal its Air Strikes in Balochistan but now they are openly threating to use its air force. UN should pass a resolution to declare Occupied Balochistan a no fly zone for Pakistan like it did in Iraq, Kovoso and Libya because UN’s reluctance to take action has encouraged Pakistan to burn several Baloch villages and spread terror in cities by abducting most well-educated section of Baloch society including lawyers, Doctors, intellectuals, teachers and students; to this day abductions and under-custody killings of Baloch activists continues.
The Voice for Baloch Missing Person, an organisation striving for the release of abducted Baloch, has reported that over 14,000 Baloch have been forcefully disappeared (abducted) so far, hundreds of them have been killed and dumped – under the new kill & dump policy by Pakistani security agencies. In such circumstances the Baloch nation reserves the right to question the UN that why is it having double standards toward Balochistan? In other parts of world UN took notice of less serious human rights violations, intervened and played a positive role whereas in occupied Baluchistan, Baloch women, children, elderly and common citizen are being killed and abducted for asking for their basic and democratic rights, and UN is playing the role of a silent spectator.
The Baloch leader has strongly appealed to the United Nations that it should consider the on-going Human Rights Violations coupled with Baloch National question and take affective steps to resolve Balochistan issue because further delay can result in a human tragedy as Pakistan is adamant to keep Balochistan under her occupation and continue to loot Baloch natural wealth, on the other hand the Baloch nation is not ready to compromise their National Identity and motherland. “In such conditions we urge the UN to physically intervene instead of only showing concern because the UN has the mandate to act practically”, said Mr Marri.
courtesy: Balochwarna
Saturday, June 2, 2012
We need the entire world’s moral, diplomatic and media support, But, not on the condition of mortgaging the future of Baloch nation or its homeland.
Translation of the transcript of Dr. Allah Nazar Baloch's Feb 9, 2012 speech.Dr. Allah Nazar Baloch delivers a speech to Baloch freedom fighters on February 9, 2012 with reference to the U.S. House of Representatives, Committee on Foreign Affairs, Oversight and Investigations Sub-Committee Hearing on Balochistan held on February 8, 2012.
Everywhere, when the war for national independence breaks out, it is fought with national strength. And when the Baloch nation began its war for national independence, its basis was national enslavement. Whenever, if there is a nation that has a homeland, has a language, has a culture, that has been stolen, its national history is being wiped out, then that nation begins its war for national independence. War is not necessarily to be fought with the gun. However, the gun is the means for that war, is the means for that politics.
By now, the Baloch national war for independence has received no financial assistance.Only the Baloch national awareness, its consciousness, its understanding, familiarity with its history has been the biggest weapon, has been the biggest instrument for them. There are many countries like Palestine; the Arabs are supporting them on basis of being Arab, and many other countries are supporting them as well. In the name of Islam and in opposition to Judaism, many other countries are supporting them. Lebanon, on the basis of being Shiites, people are supporting them. But, Balochs have no such ideological ally that would financially assist them.
If Balochs have got any kind of natural relationships then they are only universal; either international or the ethical values or human values that exist, anywhere if there is a man of understanding, belonging to any religion, belonging to any nation, belonging any party of any country, when they feel about the struggle for Baloch independence, when they understand it, when they hear it, through any means, whether by Human Rights Commission reports about the human rights violations against Balochs, Balochs are being disappeared, after disappearance their tortured and mutilated bodies are being discovered, their dead bodies are being dishonored, there are sanctions on their language, their culture has been destroyed, if they hear these things through any means, and support the Baloch national struggle or talk about Baloch national issue, we welcome it and we consider it to be something good. Like yesterday, there was a hearing held at American Congress that is being reported in the papers and radio. It is essential that our freedom fighters, our fellows, our comrades must understand it.
Comrades! No nation in the world can get independence for any other nation. We should not be in this optimism that an American Congressman or Senator, or its State Department has issued a statement in our favor. And we should not be cheerful that our problem is solved; someone from the world would come for our help. We would deem it good on the day when someone feels the oppression against us, the pain of our enslavement, the state of subjugation against us, whether on governmental or non-governmental level, we would deem it to be something good, we would term it the success of our struggle, the result of the martyrdom of our caravan’s friends, the result of their sacrifices.
But, there is another thing that our struggle is for the kind of independence which will be based upon social justice and equality. Then we; while this is our philosophy, then we see that the friendship and enmity of the powers of the world are not permanent. Just like we see that yesterday the Taliban were the enemy No. 1 but today America is negotiating with them. If day before yesterday, all the doors of Pakistan were open for America but today there is bitterness into their external affairs. If someone uses our problem to put some kind of pressure; then we should not be happy on mere words. Because, we can see that at some place where they have their own interest, then they arrive there with all their guns, logistics and with all their supplies and everything. I would like to give the example of Libya where 14 to 20 people died at Bin Ghazi; they acted in a way that ended a regime within six months. But our problem is different from them. Our problem is to create a new state on the world map. There is a big difference between creating a new state and changing an old governmental structure.
Therefore, in order to create a new state; to create a Baloch state which we are fighting for, then it is inevitable that the nations who are ruling the world, looting and pillaging, will certainly have a point of view to put forward, to let some discussion float around in order to see what those people would say who are fighting, who are struggling, what they will say, how they will react, and what they will show off.
It could be like this but our struggle is tied to our nation. We need the entire world’s moral, diplomatic and media support. We need their financial support. But, not on the condition of mortgaging the future of Baloch nation or its homeland, either on a mere policy statement or just on holding a seminar or on some financial assistance. That is not the basis of Baloch liberation policy.
Remember, that today there is path being paved for Baloch independence in the world, but today it is just because of your sacrifices, this international power says that we should solve this problem internally. No matter Pakistan says that it is its internal matter. But Baloch is a nation, Baloch has its own lifestyle, Baloch has its own history which is big fact. Its homeland is a big fact. Today this nation giving these sacrifices, it is also a big fact. Consequently, sacrifices have no borders. Either another power of the world or Pakistan cannot confine our sacrifices within its artificial borders nor can mortgage our struggle, the fruits of our struggle, nor we will mortgage them, it cannot be like that.
However, we understand that if they have taken this initiative on the basis of reading the media or the papers very well, or have felt the pain and suffering of Baloch then it is good, we welcome it. But, if they have something to get Pakistan agreed on, and using the Baloch card for it, then for Baloch it is not acceptable. And Baloch will not buy into ingratiating talks. Baloch needs real action from the civilized states of the world that claim to be democratic. We expect from believers of humanity that they should end their diplomatic, military and economic relations with Pakistan while gruesome atrocities are being committed against Balochs, and they should accept the historic rule of Baloch, the sovereignty of Baloch that they have had over their own soil.
Whether or not the blood of Baloch is cheaper than the blood of Sudan? Or there are some Far-eastern countries; we cannot say that they have accepted them just for being Christians but if they have their own interests there then they get it accepted. If the democrats of the world ignore the Baloch problem only because of being Muslim, then I believe it is condemnable and shameful. And it is also against all the universal values and norms of humanity. As they claim that we have sacrificed for democracy and human rights – the West, including Europe, America, and many Asian countries that claim to be the banner-bearers of democracy. If Europe says we could not raise the Baloch issue just because we have some relationships with Pakistan while they have created Sudan and East Timor there.
Well, we cannot say that they have created those countries just because of being Christians but they have taken a stand there. And they consider the Baloch issue to be their internal matter, just because they are Muslims by religion – it is condemnable. Because, as a nation our identity existed long before Islam came into existence; even during the period of Islam, see how Balochs were allies with Arabs, the agreements with Syahsawaar, Baloch had their own government after Islam came in here. If the Islamic countries think that they will not support us just because Pakistan is an Islamic country – it is also condemnable. Because, we can see that – if you take a look at the Arab world, there are small states either based on their own tribalism or their own nationalism or based on sectarianism – they have their own separate states. If they can be the members of U.N.O., if they can have mutual relationships with each other then Baloch will definitely decide who to have relations with on bilateral and equal basis after becoming independent.
Anyway, if Americans – not only American but all the members of U.N.O., all the members of Arab League, all the members of ASEAN, all the members of African Union that are affiliated with the U.N.O. or have their own regional blocks, we expect from all of them that they will consider the Baloch issue on the basis of Baloch history and Baloch homeland and support us.
But, the support will only come when we will move our war forward with same pace, we should abide by the rules of war that we have abided by so far, we should abide by laws of human rights that we have abided by so far, that there is a difference of day and night between us and the uncivilized Pakistan Army. We are fighting a war in accordance to the international laws of war. If today one of our comrades gets captured – if anywhere it is accepted fact that there is an insurgency – if once it comes into the parliament of a country that there is an insurgency in some part of the country then the country is bound to treat the captured person as a prisoner of war and give him the same privileges. And that country does not bombard the civilian population, just like our war, our freedom fighters’ war which has never killed any civilian so far.
If we have carried out an operation in Karachi, it was on their armed forces; if we carried it out in Quetta, it was on their armed forces; if we did it in interior Balochistan, it was on their armed forces. If America in its policy discussion says that we have done target killings – we have not done any target killing rather we have killed those who were real troops but came in civil dress. Many people were capture, someone was a sergeant, someone was a captain, and someone was a major. They come in different guises; many of whom were killed; M.I. and I.S.I. identity cards were recovered from them. Those people whom they call their collaborators, who are involved in an attempt to weaken our war and collaborating with the enemy. It is a well known fact anywhere in the world that if there was a war then such people were treated just like enemies. It happened in America during its Civil War. We can see here that anywhere if there was war of independence, or any revolution comes, such people got killed.
But, if you kill someone just because he belongs to the Baloch race, where you even do not determine the sex, you kill the women as well as the children; Pakistani state even kills 14 year old 9th grade school boys. It is their government, it is their own employees and officials; kills the doctors just because of being Baloch; kills the professor just because of being Baloch; kills the lawyers just because of being Baloch; kills the students for the same reason; this is called genocide. Therefore, countries of the world, United Nations, human rights organizations, signatories of the Geneva Convention should support us and that is what we expect from this world.
My mother gave me a Pen and a Gun on my birthday.
I asked her, "Why u did so?" She replied,
"Pen is the symbol of knowledge and Gun is symbol of struggle,
I know without knowledge ur gun cannot distinguish between guilty and innocent."
(Vietnam's father of Nation Comrade Hu Chi Minh)
Everywhere, when the war for national independence breaks out, it is fought with national strength. And when the Baloch nation began its war for national independence, its basis was national enslavement. Whenever, if there is a nation that has a homeland, has a language, has a culture, that has been stolen, its national history is being wiped out, then that nation begins its war for national independence. War is not necessarily to be fought with the gun. However, the gun is the means for that war, is the means for that politics.
By now, the Baloch national war for independence has received no financial assistance.Only the Baloch national awareness, its consciousness, its understanding, familiarity with its history has been the biggest weapon, has been the biggest instrument for them. There are many countries like Palestine; the Arabs are supporting them on basis of being Arab, and many other countries are supporting them as well. In the name of Islam and in opposition to Judaism, many other countries are supporting them. Lebanon, on the basis of being Shiites, people are supporting them. But, Balochs have no such ideological ally that would financially assist them.
If Balochs have got any kind of natural relationships then they are only universal; either international or the ethical values or human values that exist, anywhere if there is a man of understanding, belonging to any religion, belonging to any nation, belonging any party of any country, when they feel about the struggle for Baloch independence, when they understand it, when they hear it, through any means, whether by Human Rights Commission reports about the human rights violations against Balochs, Balochs are being disappeared, after disappearance their tortured and mutilated bodies are being discovered, their dead bodies are being dishonored, there are sanctions on their language, their culture has been destroyed, if they hear these things through any means, and support the Baloch national struggle or talk about Baloch national issue, we welcome it and we consider it to be something good. Like yesterday, there was a hearing held at American Congress that is being reported in the papers and radio. It is essential that our freedom fighters, our fellows, our comrades must understand it.
Comrades! No nation in the world can get independence for any other nation. We should not be in this optimism that an American Congressman or Senator, or its State Department has issued a statement in our favor. And we should not be cheerful that our problem is solved; someone from the world would come for our help. We would deem it good on the day when someone feels the oppression against us, the pain of our enslavement, the state of subjugation against us, whether on governmental or non-governmental level, we would deem it to be something good, we would term it the success of our struggle, the result of the martyrdom of our caravan’s friends, the result of their sacrifices.
But, there is another thing that our struggle is for the kind of independence which will be based upon social justice and equality. Then we; while this is our philosophy, then we see that the friendship and enmity of the powers of the world are not permanent. Just like we see that yesterday the Taliban were the enemy No. 1 but today America is negotiating with them. If day before yesterday, all the doors of Pakistan were open for America but today there is bitterness into their external affairs. If someone uses our problem to put some kind of pressure; then we should not be happy on mere words. Because, we can see that at some place where they have their own interest, then they arrive there with all their guns, logistics and with all their supplies and everything. I would like to give the example of Libya where 14 to 20 people died at Bin Ghazi; they acted in a way that ended a regime within six months. But our problem is different from them. Our problem is to create a new state on the world map. There is a big difference between creating a new state and changing an old governmental structure.
Therefore, in order to create a new state; to create a Baloch state which we are fighting for, then it is inevitable that the nations who are ruling the world, looting and pillaging, will certainly have a point of view to put forward, to let some discussion float around in order to see what those people would say who are fighting, who are struggling, what they will say, how they will react, and what they will show off.
It could be like this but our struggle is tied to our nation. We need the entire world’s moral, diplomatic and media support. We need their financial support. But, not on the condition of mortgaging the future of Baloch nation or its homeland, either on a mere policy statement or just on holding a seminar or on some financial assistance. That is not the basis of Baloch liberation policy.
Remember, that today there is path being paved for Baloch independence in the world, but today it is just because of your sacrifices, this international power says that we should solve this problem internally. No matter Pakistan says that it is its internal matter. But Baloch is a nation, Baloch has its own lifestyle, Baloch has its own history which is big fact. Its homeland is a big fact. Today this nation giving these sacrifices, it is also a big fact. Consequently, sacrifices have no borders. Either another power of the world or Pakistan cannot confine our sacrifices within its artificial borders nor can mortgage our struggle, the fruits of our struggle, nor we will mortgage them, it cannot be like that.
However, we understand that if they have taken this initiative on the basis of reading the media or the papers very well, or have felt the pain and suffering of Baloch then it is good, we welcome it. But, if they have something to get Pakistan agreed on, and using the Baloch card for it, then for Baloch it is not acceptable. And Baloch will not buy into ingratiating talks. Baloch needs real action from the civilized states of the world that claim to be democratic. We expect from believers of humanity that they should end their diplomatic, military and economic relations with Pakistan while gruesome atrocities are being committed against Balochs, and they should accept the historic rule of Baloch, the sovereignty of Baloch that they have had over their own soil.
Whether or not the blood of Baloch is cheaper than the blood of Sudan? Or there are some Far-eastern countries; we cannot say that they have accepted them just for being Christians but if they have their own interests there then they get it accepted. If the democrats of the world ignore the Baloch problem only because of being Muslim, then I believe it is condemnable and shameful. And it is also against all the universal values and norms of humanity. As they claim that we have sacrificed for democracy and human rights – the West, including Europe, America, and many Asian countries that claim to be the banner-bearers of democracy. If Europe says we could not raise the Baloch issue just because we have some relationships with Pakistan while they have created Sudan and East Timor there.
Well, we cannot say that they have created those countries just because of being Christians but they have taken a stand there. And they consider the Baloch issue to be their internal matter, just because they are Muslims by religion – it is condemnable. Because, as a nation our identity existed long before Islam came into existence; even during the period of Islam, see how Balochs were allies with Arabs, the agreements with Syahsawaar, Baloch had their own government after Islam came in here. If the Islamic countries think that they will not support us just because Pakistan is an Islamic country – it is also condemnable. Because, we can see that – if you take a look at the Arab world, there are small states either based on their own tribalism or their own nationalism or based on sectarianism – they have their own separate states. If they can be the members of U.N.O., if they can have mutual relationships with each other then Baloch will definitely decide who to have relations with on bilateral and equal basis after becoming independent.
Anyway, if Americans – not only American but all the members of U.N.O., all the members of Arab League, all the members of ASEAN, all the members of African Union that are affiliated with the U.N.O. or have their own regional blocks, we expect from all of them that they will consider the Baloch issue on the basis of Baloch history and Baloch homeland and support us.
But, the support will only come when we will move our war forward with same pace, we should abide by the rules of war that we have abided by so far, we should abide by laws of human rights that we have abided by so far, that there is a difference of day and night between us and the uncivilized Pakistan Army. We are fighting a war in accordance to the international laws of war. If today one of our comrades gets captured – if anywhere it is accepted fact that there is an insurgency – if once it comes into the parliament of a country that there is an insurgency in some part of the country then the country is bound to treat the captured person as a prisoner of war and give him the same privileges. And that country does not bombard the civilian population, just like our war, our freedom fighters’ war which has never killed any civilian so far.
If we have carried out an operation in Karachi, it was on their armed forces; if we carried it out in Quetta, it was on their armed forces; if we did it in interior Balochistan, it was on their armed forces. If America in its policy discussion says that we have done target killings – we have not done any target killing rather we have killed those who were real troops but came in civil dress. Many people were capture, someone was a sergeant, someone was a captain, and someone was a major. They come in different guises; many of whom were killed; M.I. and I.S.I. identity cards were recovered from them. Those people whom they call their collaborators, who are involved in an attempt to weaken our war and collaborating with the enemy. It is a well known fact anywhere in the world that if there was a war then such people were treated just like enemies. It happened in America during its Civil War. We can see here that anywhere if there was war of independence, or any revolution comes, such people got killed.
But, if you kill someone just because he belongs to the Baloch race, where you even do not determine the sex, you kill the women as well as the children; Pakistani state even kills 14 year old 9th grade school boys. It is their government, it is their own employees and officials; kills the doctors just because of being Baloch; kills the professor just because of being Baloch; kills the lawyers just because of being Baloch; kills the students for the same reason; this is called genocide. Therefore, countries of the world, United Nations, human rights organizations, signatories of the Geneva Convention should support us and that is what we expect from this world.
My mother gave me a Pen and a Gun on my birthday.
I asked her, "Why u did so?" She replied,
"Pen is the symbol of knowledge and Gun is symbol of struggle,
I know without knowledge ur gun cannot distinguish between guilty and innocent."
(Vietnam's father of Nation Comrade Hu Chi Minh)
Thursday, May 24, 2012
Preparation of a Bloody Army Operation is uderway in Balochistan : BSO(Azad)

Wednesday, May 16, 2012
Western Balochistan: Unrest in Rask
Iranian intelligence services and police (revolutionary guard) on the
tipoff from local informer have arrested the Baluch activists and the
social workers and Baluch teachers. According to inform sources from
western Baluchistan Twenty-eight (28) people have been arrested since
April 2012 till 14th may 20012.
names of those who have been arrested in this week:
- Maulvi Muhammad Naqshbandi, 55 years old
- Maulvi Abdullah Molla Zadeh, 48 years old
Fouad Abadian, 17 years old,
- Nezamuldin Molla Zadeh, 18 years old
- Hamid Molla Zadeh, 23 years old
- Habib Rahman Molla Zadeh, 29 years old
Jabbar Molla Zadeh, 22 years old
- Malik Mohammad Abadian, 50 years old
- Javad Abadian, 20 years old
- Abdullah Abadian, 20 years old
- Maulavi Abdul Ghaffar Naqshbandi
Abdul GHaffar Naqshbandi was on his way back home after he had
visited his father who has been jailed in Zahdan. Zahdan is the
capital city of Iranian occupied Baluchistan. The Iranian security
forces have arrested him because he is a Sunni Muslim. Iran is a
Shiite majority state the Iranian regime discriminate Baluch because
they are not Persian and also not Shiite. Non Shiites are
discriminated in Iran.
Muhammad Naqshbandi is an Imam of the city of Rask a small township
near port city of Chabhar, he has been jailed early and the people in
his hometown where he was the Imam have protested against his and his
son arrests.
the 14th of May the people of rask have protested against Maulvi M,
Naqshbandi and his son detention. The Iranian security forces fired
indiscriminately on the protesters. There are conformed report that
one person (Jan Mohamnad Dehghani) was killed and many more have
Iranian state is an oppressive state. There Iranian regime has kept
the Baluch population in captive since 1927. The Iranian has crushed
the Baluch legitimate demands.The Iranian regime has no respect for
human values and international norms. The Iranian regime has deprived
the Baluch of dignified life, right to worship or access to worship
places. The people of western Baluchistan appeal to united nation,
international organizations, and intergovernmental organization to
protect the Baluch nation from the Iranian brutality.
Friday, May 11, 2012
The Battle for the soul of Lyari by: Sanaullah Baloch
Lyari, the mother of Karachi and the birthplace of Baloch nationalism, is now a scene of hopelessness. Instead of resonating with the prophetic speeches of Baloch literary icon Syed Zahoor Shah Hashmi and the magical voice and lyrics of Ustad Abdul Sattar, today one hears guns, cannons, rockets, shells and snipers. Resembling the Warsaw Ghetto uprising, weapons have seized upon the mystique of the poorly-enriched Baloch society.

It is not difficult to understand why Lyari transformed from being the Mecca of Baloch nationalism to a haven for gangs and the drug mafia. Once the PPP realised that educated Lyariites were prone to Baloch nationalism and rights-based politics, it began sowing the seeds of crime, drugs and gangs to systematically destroy the social fabric of one of Karachi’s most powerful, energetic and united communities. During the 1980s, some of these prominent gangs and mafias were reinvented by the powerful establishment to counter the Baloch Students Organisation, the only powerful political and social forum for the Baloch of Karachi during General Ziaul Haq’s military rule.
After using drugs and gangs as weapons of mass destruction, the second phase of economic marginalisation of the Baloch started with the rise of the Muttahida Qaumi Movement (MQM) by discharging thousands of Baloch labourers from the Karachi Port Trust and other Baloch-dominant departments.
Recent political developments and the growing empowerment of the MQM by the Pervez Musharraf regime further exacerbated life for the Baloch in Karachi. Sitting on Karachi’s strategically significant land strip, Baloch social and human rights activists had been long on the hitlist of criminals. Prominent human rights activist Nisar Baloch was shot dead on November 7, 2009 in Karachi for addressing members of the press and publicly saying that certain groups were after him. The Balochistan National Party Karachi president, Zahid Baloch, was also murdered on November 1, 2008, in Karachi and, this was mainly because of his role in mobilising Karachi’s Baloch for demanding their due rights.
The ongoing operation is not aimed at liberating Lyari or at empowering its people. The entire drama is a part of the government’spolicy of replacing the gangs with their own chosen ones . By doing this, the ruling clique seeks to ensure that its stranglehold on Lyari is strengthened — after all, precious resources such as land are at stake.
A truly liberated and empowered Lyari is considered very dangerous. Liberated Lyariites will question the ruling coalition’s policy of systematic enslavement and forceful political expansion. Impoverished, marginalised, politically enslaved by the PPP and disowned by the state due to its Baloch identity, Lyari has turned into a hunting ground for notorious police officials like Chaudhry Aslam. The ongoing operation will have long-term consequences. The feeling of alienation has already been elevated. Thousands of marginalised youths will be further radicalised leading to more instability.
Since the state has subcontracted its responsibilities to political mafias in the country, particularly in Karachi, it is hard to envisage a sensible approach with regard to a resolution for the multilayered social, economic, ethnic and political conflicts. Social development and harmonisation of society need unbiased social reengineering. Addressing socioeconomic, political and other challenges faced by the people in Lyari, need more attention rather than costly operations for the replacement of unfavoured groups of people or gangs by another privileged mafia.
Published in The Express Tribune, May 9th, 2012.
Tuesday, April 10, 2012
Baloch guns and gold: the gold — Surat Khan Marri
The Supreme Court of Pakistan in the Asghar Khan case, where he challenged the army and the agencies distributing hundreds of million rupees (Rs 1.48 billion) among establishment-favoured politicians to win elections to serve their (the army’s) purposes, has observed that the army and the agencies had exceeded and overstepped their constitutional mandate. It is interesting and worthy of attention that an almost similar incident took place in India on India National Day at a seminar in Srinagar. A student union president, a principal of a college and a Kashmiri intellectual unanimously agreed that the Indian army and attached agencies were overstepping their constitutional mandate by distributing charities, awarding scholarships to students, opening schools and hospitals and overlooking a number of other welfare works that should have been the responsibility of the civilian government. The Srinagar seminar also raised the question as to why the army and attached agencies did not worry about shouldering the civilian government’s responsibilities of looking after welfare work like opening schools and hospitals in other Indian states.
Very surprisingly, if you visit Balochistan, every nook and corner you visit, you will come across some Frontier Corps (FC) store, bakery or shop selling everyday food items, replacing the government-owned utility stores. There are army and FC public schools, colleges and medical centres. Emotionally speaking, one may say sarcastically — do we not want public welfare projects, schools and colleges? However, the question is what is the constitutional mandate of the army and the FC?
The Kashmiri student, the college principal and the intellectual in India raised the question why the forces would not open schools and medical centres, etc, in other Indian states; we should be doing the same. The British army in counterinsurgency, especially in South Africa, with very limited forces, did welfare work along with war rehabilitation efforts.
In Balochistan, all powers including the administrative rest with the army. Even in the so-called elections, clearance from the army is a precondition. In the last general election, Mr Yasin Baloch had won the Kech Makran Provincial Assembly seat. It was taken away from him and the National Party of Dr Malik started protest rallies. Corps Commander General Qadir called and asked him to show restraint. “You will be adjusted,” he was told. It is on record that due to the so-called election boycott, the National Party did not have representation in the Balochistan assembly; yet Dr Malik the president of the party and his senior Vice President Mir Hasil Bizenjo, were made Senators. Very interestingly, it was perhaps the last day of filling nominations for the Senate elections when President General Musharaf came under rocket fire in Kohlu, Marri Area. Mir Mohbat Khan was the only Marri elder who rose on the occasion and condemned the attack and the militants. Immediately, the general announced a Senate seat for him.
In the Balochistan administration, all postings and transfers need to be cleared by the army. Under the army, the FC and agencies, perhaps approval of all posts from BPS I to the highest is ‘sold’. The lowest one, BPS I, costs in the range of Rs 150,000. Some Mirs, motabars (elders of a clan) and their zaids (sons), serving as police and levies personnel are provided at least a couple of police and levies men along with official guns and arms as their guards. There are instances where the chief collaborators and their lackeys are allowed up to 500 police and levies men. Perhaps half are merely on paper — ghost figures. The payment in millions goes to the lackey elders. On their visits to Quetta and the district headquarters, their boarding and lodging is arranged in ‘safe houses’, army messes and the FC rest houses. On special occasions, the chief collaborators are ‘honoured’ to travel and fly along with the army high-ups or the FC chiefs. It may be unbelievable that in more than 95 percent of the areas, concrete-walled houses and bungalows — three to eight bedroom private houses — are constructed for collaborators and government officials at government expense; in fact, some are in the name of schools, medical centres or other public buildings. There are instances that away from the district headquarter villages, three-four bedroom rest houses, equipped with several cooks, servants and guards are facilitated for collaborators. The salaries and other bonuses of school staff — schoolteachers, peons, security guards — are pocketed by the government patrons and elders. All government subsidies and aid are also meant for them. All public sector development schemes in the constituencies of provincial and national assemblies and the Senate, each about Rs 130 million and more, are sold to ‘private contractors’. These schemes are mainly completed on paper. The ‘generosity’ is not only limited to politicians — MPAs, MNAs, Senators or who ‘pretend’ to be the opposition, collaborators and henchmen, but some media personnel are also bestowed these favours. Some claim that running a newspaper and being a reporter are some of the most profitable ‘regular’ businesses in Balochistan. There are about 120 dailies; except for three or four, no daily or periodical has any stall value (we have with us a total bogus list of all dailies, ABC figures). There are dailies that publish merely a hundred or two hundred copies, that too not necessarily every day. It is according to the editors’ convenience; it may be go in print just once a week. On the other hand, surprisingly they get 30 and even more than 30 thousand circulation certification (ABC) and accordingly, the rates of advertisements are fixed. Moreover, if on the basis of the ABC circulation figures, just the news agents’ income tax liabilities run into hundreds of thousands of rupees. Each newspaper and periodical has its reporters and representatives across the province, in every town and village. None of them receives any pay and still meets the expenses of reporting, etc. They live a luxurious life. Mir Sabir Baloch when he was an MPA used to sing, Jam Sahib Lasbela/ Sab kuch kahe aakillah. There is another well known saying. Mulk Balochistan qanoon aazad gozaara karo — a person who was put behind bars without any charges was told. With the passage of time and the introduction of more development plans today, dead bodies of the disliked and the naaraz (alienated elements) are thrown in deserts instead of the old-time aazad qanoon punishment of putting them behind bars. What happens ahead…wallaho aalam bisawab (only God knows).
The writer is a freelance columnist
Originally Published : Daily Times
Thursday, April 5, 2012
No Holy War while Baloch are being Butchred.
Resolution in American Congress presented for self-determination of Baloch has abrupt like fire in Pakistan, religious and political parties flared-up and wave of condemning resolution countrywide has spread, even religious parties delivered announcement for Jihad (Holy war). The time will decide that Jihad called by religious is as necessities or by order of someone they will do, but I here inquire those religious elements that why they are muzzled about Balochistan’s youth bullet riddle mutilated bodies, which have been throwing constantly for years and why not they have called for Jihad against these inhuman acts, today they are showing merely compassion for Balochistanies. We will see what sort of this Jihad is going to be, either it is like Afghan Jihad where they fought for American Dollars. Akhtar Mengal questioned.
Balochistan National Party (Mengal) leader Akhtar Mengal has inquired that religious parties have made announcement against America in case of intervention in Balochistan but these mullahs are silent on Balochicide by Pakistani State.
Saturday, March 31, 2012
Pakistan's Army's rampage and arson in Balochistan villages.
Dera Bugti :Four Villages were set on fire, Women and Children disappered from Dera Bugti and Nasirabad.
Quetta: According to Spokes Person of Baloch Republican Party Sher M Bugti Pakistani
Army Attacked Villagers, Women and children in Dera Bugti and Nasirabad Areas of Balochistan.
According to Sher Bugti the Army operation still going on surrounding villages near patfeeder canal where four
villages were set on fire resulting burning alive elderly mother of Bangul Khan while she was inside the house.
Keep in mind Pakistan army was also involved burning three people alive couple year back in sangsila
area killing two person and seriously injuring the third one. Ironically Pakistani media is not reporting
these atrocities.
Monday, March 26, 2012
Mass Murder and Mass Graves are being discovered in Balochistan.

Condolences references and ‘Quran Khuwani’ (recitation of the holy Quran) were organized in Sui, Dera Bugti, Quetta and many other areas of Occupied Balochistan on March 25, the 1st martyrdom anniversary of ‘Shohdah-e-Machi Gorani’ (Martyrs of Machi Gorani, an adjoining area of Sui – Dera Bugti, Balochistan) to pay respects and tributes of them.
Sher Mohammad Bugti stated 19 Baloch including my brother Shah Mohammad Bugti were abducted during a major military offensive from Sui, Dera Bugti on December 05, 2010.
After two days, my brother and his one colleague were in custody by occupying Pakistani forces and their bullet-riddled dead bodies were found in a deserted area near Sui – he added.
On March 25, 2011, he continued, dead bodies of Ali Bux Bugti, Shah Bux Bugti, Iqbal Mazari, Rahm Dil Bugti, Koh Dil Bugti and Khetaran Bugti were found buried in a mass grave discovered in Machi, Gorani area near Sui. The deceased were abducted during the December 05, 2010 offensive and the whereabouts of other 11 Baloch remains unknown to date.
He said BRP condemns the military operation in Baloch areas (Liyari and Malir) of Karachi. “It is time for the Baloch unite and break the chains of slavery once and for all.” Mr Bugti appealed to the Islamic Countries, international community, European Union & Human Rights Organizations to take immediate action against the discovery of mass graves and other human rights violations in Balochistan.
Translated by: Gulzameen blog
Wednesday, March 14, 2012
Fresh Air and Ground Attacks in Dera Bugti by Pakistan's Ethnic Punjabi Army.
Pakistan army attack different localities of Dera Bugti by air and ground killing 11 people including one women and four children. The area attacked by Pakistani Muslim Punjabi forces were remote areas of Dera Bugti, Pasheni,Buzkashi,Kalri,Sia Tak and Kadeli. After the attack ground troops set fire local properties and arrested several local residents. In a statement Central Organizing committee spoke person of Baloch Republican Party said Pakistani state calling for reconciliation while bombarding and killing local Baloch people. The Name of people who were killed by Pakistani forces are: Hungul Lal Khan, Wadera Abdul Rehman, Guda hizath Khan,Bundh Ali Gul Mohamed, Duro,Karim Baksh, Abdul Bari,Janar,Jalal, and Wife of Abdul Rehman with four kids.
Baloch Republican Party Spoke person said, Pakistani leaders are lying on Balochistan issues in front of World community, in fact they speed up removing Baloch Population by force from their areas in Dera Bugti. He appealed international community for immediate intervention in Balochistan.
Monday, March 12, 2012
Baloch People Again Asking International Communities and Human Rights groups for Justice .
Voice for Baloch Missing Persons and families of missing persons have been protesting from past 699 days, they have protested in Karachi, Islamabad, Quetta and other city of Balochistan. Strongly criticising the media he said that “Unfortunately, during our long struggle the print and electronic has not taken this human tragedy seriously which make them complicit and crime partners [of those who have abducted and killed our loved one]”.

The voice for Baloch Missing Persons organised a massive protest rally against enforced-disappearances, kill and dump policy, military operation and state [Pakistan] sponsored violence against Baloch women and children during search operations in Balochistan.
The rally set off from Arts Council marched towards Karachi Press club, hundreds of Baloch women, children, elders and people from different walks of life joined the rally to express their support to the families of abducted Baloch and to condemn state intimidation against Baloch nation. The participants of rally chanted slogans against state atrocities Baloch people, the release of abducted Baloch persons and a halt to on-going military operation in Balochistan. The participants were also carrying pictures of victims of state terrorism, Baloch Martyrs, and enforced disappeared Baloch activists.

The voice for Baloch Missing Persons organised a massive protest rally against enforced-disappearances, kill and dump policy, military operation and state [Pakistan] sponsored violence against Baloch women and children during search operations in Balochistan.
The rally set off from Arts Council marched towards Karachi Press club, hundreds of Baloch women, children, elders and people from different walks of life joined the rally to express their support to the families of abducted Baloch and to condemn state intimidation against Baloch nation. The participants of rally chanted slogans against state atrocities Baloch people, the release of abducted Baloch persons and a halt to on-going military operation in Balochistan. The participants were also carrying pictures of victims of state terrorism, Baloch Martyrs, and enforced disappeared Baloch activists.
Friday, March 9, 2012
Baloch ethnic cleansing continues in Balochistan by Pakistan's Majority Punjabi Army.
Occupied Balochistan: The abduction of unarmed Baloch men, women and children at the hand of occupying Pakistani forces continues with immunity. The National and International claimants of champions of Human Rights and democracy are turning a blind eye to the Baloch plea for help.
Baloch Republican Party central spokesperson tweeted earlier this morning that last night four men with their wives and three children have been abducted by Pakistani armed forces in Singsela area of Dera Bugti and Quetta, Balochistan. FC Personnel, according to Mir Sher Mohamad Bugti, are forcing miserable Baloch People to Migrate from Sangsela. Balaach Marri, a social media activist in twitter said that FC while patrolling village of Sengsela, repeatedly announced on loud speakers: "IF YOU WANT YOUR PEOPLE BACK ALIVE, GET OUT OF SENGSELA!"
The abducted people have been named as Merzar, Wazeer Khan, Mandi and Dito along with their children and wives who’s Name are Shali, Losha, khaira Bibi. Sources reported that Wazeer khan’s family were abducted from a hospital in Quetta.
Meanwhile in Sibi town of Balochistan the family members of abducted Baloch women have expressed their utter desperations saying that world community had left them on the mercy of Pakistani murderous armed forces, the member of the missing Baloch women and children lambasted the world community for their apathy toward Baloch plight at the hand of Pakistan.
They said that world community yesterday celebrated International women day. However their International Champions of women’s right failed to utter a single word against the abductions of Baloch women and children by brutal Pakistani and Iranian security forces. The family member said that the existence of such NGOs is a big question mark. So for more them 15o women have been abducted by Pakistani armed forces in Baochistan. They are languishing in Pakistani armed forces torture cells facing worst type of inhuman tortures and immoral treatments.
The family members Baloch women missing persons urged the free born people and International Humanitarian organizations to pressurise Pakistan to respect human dignity and release the abducted women and children immediately.
Courtsey: Archen Balochn
Baloch Republican Party central spokesperson tweeted earlier this morning that last night four men with their wives and three children have been abducted by Pakistani armed forces in Singsela area of Dera Bugti and Quetta, Balochistan. FC Personnel, according to Mir Sher Mohamad Bugti, are forcing miserable Baloch People to Migrate from Sangsela. Balaach Marri, a social media activist in twitter said that FC while patrolling village of Sengsela, repeatedly announced on loud speakers: "IF YOU WANT YOUR PEOPLE BACK ALIVE, GET OUT OF SENGSELA!"
The abducted people have been named as Merzar, Wazeer Khan, Mandi and Dito along with their children and wives who’s Name are Shali, Losha, khaira Bibi. Sources reported that Wazeer khan’s family were abducted from a hospital in Quetta.
Meanwhile in Sibi town of Balochistan the family members of abducted Baloch women have expressed their utter desperations saying that world community had left them on the mercy of Pakistani murderous armed forces, the member of the missing Baloch women and children lambasted the world community for their apathy toward Baloch plight at the hand of Pakistan.
They said that world community yesterday celebrated International women day. However their International Champions of women’s right failed to utter a single word against the abductions of Baloch women and children by brutal Pakistani and Iranian security forces. The family member said that the existence of such NGOs is a big question mark. So for more them 15o women have been abducted by Pakistani armed forces in Baochistan. They are languishing in Pakistani armed forces torture cells facing worst type of inhuman tortures and immoral treatments.
The family members Baloch women missing persons urged the free born people and International Humanitarian organizations to pressurise Pakistan to respect human dignity and release the abducted women and children immediately.
Courtsey: Archen Balochn
Wednesday, March 7, 2012
In Balochistan even Baloch women and children are being terrorized by Pakistani ethnic Punjabi army;

VBMP also alleged that 10 women were listed missing from Balochistan this year.
Sister of Balkh Sher Marri, who was picked up along with ten members of his family from Saryab Mill area of Quetta, said forces also took away three children. “If my brother and other family members are involved in any crime then they should be tried in court. All we want is justice,” she said.
VBMP called upon International humanitarian organisations and United Nations to use their influence and play their role for safe recovery of all Baloch missing persons.
Friday, March 2, 2012
Not to let US to open Consulate in Balochistan: Iran advises Pakistan
In the meetings in Islamabad with Pakistanis Ahmedinejad advises that Pakistan should not allow united State to open consulate in Balochistan, while in other end both Islamic regime unleashed their security forces on Baloch people both side of borders, in recent report from Pakistani side of Balochistan just yesterday three bodies of Baloch missing persons were found near Mastung & Winder, identified of those listed in the Baloch missing persons.The first dead body was of Abdul Rehman S/o Khair Mohammad who was a local of District Lasbela.Abdul Rehman S/o Khair Mohammad had torture marks on his body & was shot in point black range. The second body was identified as Takri Rahim Dad Nichari, according to report Takri Rehim Dad went missing on 19 December 2011 from Bolan, as today his dead body was found from Dasht area of District Mastung. The third body which was also found from Mangochar area of District Mastung was of Muhammad Hussain, he was found when the Local levies forces were patrolling the area, later on both of the bodies were handed over to the family members of the deceased.
While in Iranian Balochistan peaceful protest was organized by local women demanding basic rights. According to local sources rally was going through the streets of Pashamg when the brutal forces of occupying Iranian theocratic regime showed up and opened indiscriminate fire on the participants. Two Baloch women died on the spot while 3 including 2 young children left badly wounded.
While in Iranian Balochistan peaceful protest was organized by local women demanding basic rights. According to local sources rally was going through the streets of Pashamg when the brutal forces of occupying Iranian theocratic regime showed up and opened indiscriminate fire on the participants. Two Baloch women died on the spot while 3 including 2 young children left badly wounded.
Baloch people are suffering from worse human rights violations in their own land: BSO(Azad)

In other important decisions, the meeting appointed young Baloch activist Sohaib Mengal as their international representative and also one of the CC members of the student's organization.
The meeting focused on Baloch national liberation struggle by agreeing that no freedom achieving nations around the world have been spared from the price of sacrifice in their freedom movements. Baloch people are suffering from worse human rights violations in their own land and the atrocities being committed against them are nothing less than a massacre or a systematic genocide, the meeting said.
In a remarkable argument, one of the young debaters referring to Baloch struggle said 'Freedom cannot be received (without sacrifices) but achieved.' The students also discussed on how independent Balochistan could play a key role in bringing peace in region and maintaining stability.
- For the record, since July 2010, more than 400 bullet-riddled bodies of Baloch activists -- abducted by Pakistan army -- were dumped along roadsides allover Balochistan out of which 100+ were affiliated with BSO-Azad.
Courtesy :
Monday, February 13, 2012
Shaheed Sana Sangath martyred 13 February 2012 along three abducted Baloch youth..
The mutilated and bullet-riddled body of Sangat Sana Baloch recovered today near Murgap area of Turbat, he was abducted by Pakistan's Punjabi Muslim army on 7th December 2009 from kulpur Bolan area, Sangat Sana was former Vice Chairperson of Baloch Student Organisation BSO (Azad) and leader of Balochistan Republican Party BRP. Shaheed Sana Sangath martyred 13 February 2012. at Murghaab Turbat.
Separately two bodies of Bakshal Bugti and Jan Marri was recovered from Lasbela both of them whisked away by Pakistani state terror proxies from Karachi on feb, 11 th 2012, while a 20 year old Saeed Marri's bullet-riddled body found near Hanna area of quetta Balochistan.
Separately two bodies of Bakshal Bugti and Jan Marri was recovered from Lasbela both of them whisked away by Pakistani state terror proxies from Karachi on feb, 11 th 2012, while a 20 year old Saeed Marri's bullet-riddled body found near Hanna area of quetta Balochistan.
The current Baloch liberation struggle should not be interpreted as a secessionist movement.: Khalil Baloch chairman of Baloch National Movement

“The sons of Baloch soil are struggling to get rid of Pakistani occupation” Mr Khalil said. They want to live with sovereignty and dignity.
Cautioning the world community, Baloch leader said that any help rendered to Pakistan and its ethnic Punjabi army would be tantamount to crushing Baloch public and their movement.By the virtue of great sacrifices, Balochistan is drifting away from Pakistani clutch; despite the regrettable fact that foreign forces are still trying hard to save Pakistan.
Friday, February 3, 2012
The Baloch Genocide Continues by Pakistan's ethnic Punjabi Army .
The Father of youngest Victim of ISI Majeed Zehri also target killed by Pakistan Army and ISI proxies in Khuzdar Balochistan. Haji Ramzan Zehri and three of his companions were shot by a gunmen on motorbike and manage to escape.
Two more bullet-ridden bodies of Baloch political activists were found, the victims were identified as Kader Mengal and Sakander Mengal both were abducted from Khuzdar a week ago. BSO Azad termed it Pakistan armys state terrorism on Baloch people and vowed to continue the struggle and Pakistan army and its terrorist wings cannot changed the Destiny of Baloch people of Free Balochistan. Keep in mind that Balochistan was forcefully occupied by Pakistan army in 1948.
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