Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Western Balochistan: Unrest in Rask

 Iranian intelligence services and police (revolutionary guard) on the tipoff from local informer have arrested the Baluch activists and the social workers and Baluch teachers. According to inform sources from western Baluchistan Twenty-eight (28) people have been arrested since April 2012 till 14th may 20012.
The names of those who have been arrested in this week:

1 - Maulvi Muhammad Naqshbandi, 55 years old
2 - Maulvi Abdullah Molla Zadeh, 48 years old
3- Fouad Abadian, 17 years old,
4 - Nezamuldin Molla Zadeh, 18 years old
5 - Hamid Molla Zadeh, 23 years old
6 - Habib Rahman Molla Zadeh, 29 years old
7- Jabbar Molla Zadeh, 22 years old
8 - Malik Mohammad Abadian, 50 years old
9 - Javad Abadian, 20 years old
10 - Abdullah Abadian, 20 years old
11 - Maulavi Abdul Ghaffar Naqshbandi

Maulavi Abdul GHaffar Naqshbandi was on his way back home after he had visited his father who has been jailed in Zahdan. Zahdan is the capital city of Iranian occupied Baluchistan. The Iranian security forces have arrested him because he is a Sunni Muslim. Iran is a Shiite majority state the Iranian regime discriminate Baluch because they are not Persian and also not Shiite. Non Shiites are discriminated in Iran.
Maulvi Muhammad Naqshbandi is an Imam of the city of Rask a small township near port city of Chabhar, he has been jailed early and the people in his hometown where he was the Imam have protested against his and his son arrests.
On the 14th of May the people of rask have protested against Maulvi M, Naqshbandi and his son detention. The Iranian security forces fired indiscriminately on the protesters. There are conformed report that one person (Jan Mohamnad Dehghani) was killed and many more have injured.
The Iranian state is an oppressive state. There Iranian regime has kept the Baluch population in captive since 1927. The Iranian has crushed the Baluch legitimate demands.The Iranian regime has no respect for human values and international norms. The Iranian regime has deprived the Baluch of dignified life, right to worship or access to worship places. The people of western Baluchistan appeal to united nation, international organizations, and intergovernmental organization to protect the Baluch nation from the Iranian brutality.

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