Enforcement of international human rights law can occur on either a domestic, regional or international level. States that ratify human rights treaties commit themselves to respecting those rights and ensuring that their domestic law is compatible with international legislation. When Domestic Law fails to provide a remedy for human rights abuses parties may be able to resort to regional or international mechanisms for enforcing human rights. And that’s what people of Balochistan are demanding from international communities since long time, Balochistan was occupied by Pakistan's ethnic Muslim Punjabi army back in1947, since than a systematic genocide is being carried out by Pakistan army against Baloch people, but recent years this genocide is being done more systematically by Pakistan's ethnic Punjabis army under the shadow of War on terror.
Yesterday again Baloch Students stage a peaceful rally against this Pakistani state terrorism on young students of Balochistan, almost every day tortured bodies of Baloch youth are being dumped in Balochistan who were abducted by Pakistani state security agencies. So far 14000 Baloch are in Pakistani state torture camps and every day youth are being abducted by ISI and Pakistan army.
People of Balochistan still relying on international law and human right organizations to open their eyes and break their long silence, take notice of Pakistan's ethnic Punjabi armies atrocities.
Wednesday, December 28, 2011
Thursday, December 22, 2011
International Community should support Baloch Liberation Struggle: Hyrbyair Marri
The Baloch patriotic leader, Hyrbiyar Marri, has said that the statement by IG FC is totally against the ground realities.
“The IG FC is trying to hide the criminal bigot forces, which he commands. He is coloring the “kill and dump”, which his forces have initiated, as internal conflict between Balochs to fleece in front of International community,” Mr Marri said.
He said that hundreds of Baloch political activists have been whisked away by uniformed personnel of Pakistani forces from busy markets in front of numbers of witnesses. Later these political activists have been brutally killed and the responsibilities have been accepted by dummy organizations. In fact most of them are kidnapped from parts of Sindh and the dead bodies are recovered from thousands of miles away in Balochistan. It is crystal clear that no one but Pakistani forces can act in this manner.
“To silence the peaceful struggle of Baloch youth, along with killings the security forces have now threatened the families of Baloch missing persons who are protesting peacefully against abductions,” He added.
Mr. Marri further said that the military organizations, which are sole policy makers of the country, are attacking NATO containers to extort more money from US. They are labeling these state backed attacks as public reactions, which is very untrue. Pakistani agents are involved in attacking NATO forces and killing afghan people but they claim that these are not state security agents but Talibans. Pakistan has still not abandoned the dreams of conquering Afghanistan.
Mr. Marri congratulated the people of Bangladesh on the historical day of 16th December. He said, “Despite winning the majority seats in elections, Sheikh Mujeeb-ur-Rehman, the Bengali leader, was imprisoned. The oppression and brutalities resulted in the birth of a new state, Bangladesh. The mass killing of millions of Bengalis couldn’t stop the struggle for independence.
Now the same cruel state is repeating the history of Bangladesh against Baloch people in occupied Balochistan. Another calculated genocide, after a gap of 40 years, is now going on in Balochistan carried by same Pakistan Army. We hope that the people of Bangladesh will raise their voice for the Baloch people who are suffering at the hands of Pakistan Army.”
Mr. Marri, talking about the current situation of Balochistan, said that a slow but continuous genocide in Balochistan is going on from 64 years. It is the responsibility of UN, EU and all civilised nations of the world to fully support the liberation struggle of Balochistan. He said that with liberation of Balochistan the whole south Asian region would live in peace and harmony.
He warned the international community about Pakistan’s Mullah Military alliance and said that if it is not stopped urgently the consequences will be very dangerous for the whole world.
“The IG FC is trying to hide the criminal bigot forces, which he commands. He is coloring the “kill and dump”, which his forces have initiated, as internal conflict between Balochs to fleece in front of International community,” Mr Marri said.
He said that hundreds of Baloch political activists have been whisked away by uniformed personnel of Pakistani forces from busy markets in front of numbers of witnesses. Later these political activists have been brutally killed and the responsibilities have been accepted by dummy organizations. In fact most of them are kidnapped from parts of Sindh and the dead bodies are recovered from thousands of miles away in Balochistan. It is crystal clear that no one but Pakistani forces can act in this manner.
“To silence the peaceful struggle of Baloch youth, along with killings the security forces have now threatened the families of Baloch missing persons who are protesting peacefully against abductions,” He added.
Mr. Marri further said that the military organizations, which are sole policy makers of the country, are attacking NATO containers to extort more money from US. They are labeling these state backed attacks as public reactions, which is very untrue. Pakistani agents are involved in attacking NATO forces and killing afghan people but they claim that these are not state security agents but Talibans. Pakistan has still not abandoned the dreams of conquering Afghanistan.
Mr. Marri congratulated the people of Bangladesh on the historical day of 16th December. He said, “Despite winning the majority seats in elections, Sheikh Mujeeb-ur-Rehman, the Bengali leader, was imprisoned. The oppression and brutalities resulted in the birth of a new state, Bangladesh. The mass killing of millions of Bengalis couldn’t stop the struggle for independence.
Now the same cruel state is repeating the history of Bangladesh against Baloch people in occupied Balochistan. Another calculated genocide, after a gap of 40 years, is now going on in Balochistan carried by same Pakistan Army. We hope that the people of Bangladesh will raise their voice for the Baloch people who are suffering at the hands of Pakistan Army.”
Mr. Marri, talking about the current situation of Balochistan, said that a slow but continuous genocide in Balochistan is going on from 64 years. It is the responsibility of UN, EU and all civilised nations of the world to fully support the liberation struggle of Balochistan. He said that with liberation of Balochistan the whole south Asian region would live in peace and harmony.
He warned the international community about Pakistan’s Mullah Military alliance and said that if it is not stopped urgently the consequences will be very dangerous for the whole world.
Monday, December 12, 2011
State Blackmailing by Pakistan: Hyrbyair Marri

The Baloch leader said that Taliban and the Pakistani ISI organization are acting as two sides of same coin. Until America and the rest of the world realize this bitter fact there will be no possibility of tangible progress in the region. Pakistan has never been an ally of the West in the Afghan war and they will never be a trustworthy ally. It is neither possible to find a durable solution for Afghanistan nor will it be possible to bring peace in the region with Pakistan as an ally. It is also not going to be easy for the west to counter the Iranian nuclear madness, if Pakistan is kept in the game.
Hyrbyair Marri said that Pakistan's interest and rest of the world's plan for Afghan's security and prosperity are in direct opposition to each other. We think that the world wants peace and stability in this region. They want to resolve the Afghan, Baloch and Kashmir issues. These nations are not the cause of the problem. It is Pakistan which is at the heart of most of these problems. It is the Pakistan army and state that wants to remain the illegitimate owners of these occupied territories and wants to continue looting and plundering the resources of these Nations.
Hyrbyair Marri said that America and the international community's policy towards Pakistan will be in the interest of the Baloch nation since it has realized that Pakistan is working against peace in the region. He said that “ I appeal to my Baloch brothers to cut their relationship with Pakistan. We must strive to regain our sovereignty. Our struggle must go on until there is a complete withdrawal of the Pakistan occupying forces. The Baloch nation is the only legitimate owner of their homeland.” Those Baloch who have conspired with Pakistan State apparatus in deception and crime (within the the Pakistani parliament) should not ask it's people to jump into quagmire. Instead they should rise up to the challenge the corruption and deception. Stand up as equals with other free nations in the world.HyrbyairMarri said that those Baloch politicians who are busy arranging corner meetings, planning to misguide the Baloch into taking part in the election for further subjugation cannot be friends of Baloch nation.
The morally and economically bankrupt, internationally isolated, untrustworthy state of Pakistan has been killing Baloch for the past 64 years. Baloch politicians,knowingly or unknowingly, have become a part of such brutal acts by the state. They should know that they are complicit, within the state, and their actions a part of the wider deception which in turn puts further barriers, working against our liberation. Baloch freedom activists have not compromised on their natural rights. Many of them have been martyred, and even until their dying breath have called for freedom of Balochistan. “Demands such as self-determination and greater autonomy without complete liberation, will not in themselves terminate the Baloch nation's bondage or subjugation.” said Hyrbyair.
In his concluding remarks Mr Marri said that America and the rest of the world are coming to realize that Pakistan is a state that has lost all its credibility. Hence, they are gradually trying to get rid of Pakistan and are searching for new allies and alternatives. In such a crucial time Baloch should avoid the Pakistani elections and unite in heightening their struggle against the illegal occupation of their homeland.
Courtesy of Balochwarna
Sunday, November 13, 2011
This is a message for the Baloch population to not give up the struggle.

He expressed his sympathies with the relatives of victims who, had been picked up by intelligence agencies and killed.
“This is a message for the Baloch population to not give up the struggle. The government has failed to attain its objectives as it could not crush the Baloch’s struggle despite the worst kind of brutality,” he said, adding that the zest among the Baloch increased with every decomposed body that fell.
“Although the Balochs are presently weak and fighting with a powerful enemy, they will not remain weak and will soon achieve the desired goal,” he said, adding that thousands of Balochs, including their leaders like Nawab Akbar Bugti, Balach Marri, Ghulam Muhammad, Lala Munir and Sher Muhammad, had been martyred since 2000.
He said those who thought that they would remain safe by being silent or inactive in their courtyards were mistaken as the Pakistani government had decided to wipe out the Balochs.
“History makes it evident: the Balochs have long been facing aggression, but have never bowed,” he added. He said that leaders like him living in exile were not leading luxurious lives. They were living in miserable conditions, struggling to seek the world's attention over Balochs’ woes and the cruelties of the Pakistani government against them. He said that to a great extent, Baloch leaders had succeeded in making the world realise that their movement was not related to terrorism, but a struggle for their rights.Addressing some Baloch leaders who consider assemblies and parliament as the solution to the Balochs' problem, he said that parliament had never served the Balochs.
“Elections and parliament will keep Baloch slaves within the present arrangement instead of resolving their problems,” he remarked, adding that there were also some leaders under the guise of Balochiat (Baloch sympathisers) who were working as the establishment’s agents and would not be forgiven.
About the sectarian violence in Balochistan, he expressed his sympathy with the Shia community and said the Balochs had no sectarian divisions among them, rather they respected all religious creeds. He said, “There are some terrorists who have come from neighbouring Punjab province and are trying to fan hatred.”
Tuesday, August 23, 2011
Pakistan has occupied Balochistan at gun point, World should respect Baloch sovereignty.
Defining Baloch national policy regarding the foreign policies of foes and friends towards Balochistan, the Baloch national leader, Hyrbyair Marri, in a press statement said that any collaboration between America and Pakistan over Balochistan was totally unacceptable. Highlighting the main reason why Balochistan has been the Centre of imperial interests, He said that Balochistan was an ultra-strategic importance to entire world community generally and to Indian subcontinent particularly, therefore they used power to subjugate Baloch nation to continue their colonial rule over Balochistan. But, he said that Baloch never bowed before any powers and their colonial rules.
Drawing the attention of world community towards Baloch history he said that Baloch are trying their best to convince International Community that Balochistan had been occupied by Pakistan forcefully against their will and it is imposing its decision on Baloch nation at gun point. Therefore, the Baloch leader explained that Baloch are totally different from Pakistanis on every aspect [language, culture and way of life], Hence, Pakistan had no right to represent the Baloch national interests. He said that the sovereign independent Baloch homeland had been divided into different parts under morbid interests and conspiracies. Mr. Marri said that the colonial powers had committed genocide of Baloch nation by exploiting the vocabulary of terrorism and attributing it to the freedom and peace loving Baloch.
Expressing his dismay the Baloch national leader said that despite being well aware of the facts about Balochistan situation, the international community had, so far, maintained a policy of “see and ignore - hear and forget”. The Baloch have rendered numerous sacrifices to regain their sovereignty and they are adamant to continue their struggle till the ultimate victory. Despite the cruel tactics of the enemy, there is no dearth of sons of soil for sacrificing their lives for the freedom of the nation.
Expressing his views about America’s intention of opening a Consulate in Quetta Hyrbyair Marri said that he become aware this news through media sources; he said that if they want to open a consulate in Quetta, they can do that according to international laws as such law already exist. However, he said that Pakistan has no right to decide the destiny of Baloch nation. Historically Baloch are a sovereign nation and owner of an Independent country. There is no harm if world communities, including America want to establish their foreign Missions in Balochistan but America and other nations should acknowledge the sovereign status of Balochistan and should allow us (the Baloch) to open our embassies in their respective countries, because Pakistan’s embassies around the world do not represent Baloch and Balochistan.
He made it clear that America and other nations should keep in view [respect] the Baloch national sovereignty, integrity and the Independent status of Balochistan while making any decisions/bonds with Pakistan. “We would never tolerate any Nation that collaborates with Pakistan against the will of Baloch people and decides our destiny. We Baloch as an independent and separate nation would want to establish relationship of mutual interests with International community”.
Hyrbyair Marri said that International Community has been suffering from the terrorism and religious madness/extremism promoted and abetted by Pakistan from past one decade but the Baloch Nation has been facing these [terrorism and religious extremism of Pakistan] from 64 years. Pakistan is exploiting the religion for its vested interests. Besides its own interests this fundamentalist state has no concerns about world peace and sovereignty. It is high time that International Community become realistic, recognize the independent status of Balochistan and join hands with Baloch people to accelerate their efforts for a more peaceful and safer world and save it from not only incidents like 9/11 and 7/7 but more sever and destructive occurrences in future.
The patriot Baloch leader said that the main reason behind Pakistan’s reluctant to allow the US to establish a consulate in Quetta is because the presence of American staff in Balochistan will witness Pakistan’s military operations and atrocities against Baloch people. An illustration of Pakistan’s hesitant is the limiting the activities of foreign NGOs to Quetta only and putting restriction on their movements anywhere else in Balochistan. They are not allowed to help three hundred thousand Marri, Bugti and other Baloch victims of Pakistan’s military operations. Balochistan has been declared a ‘No Go’ area for International observers and media. “Pakistan does not want the International Organisations and media to visit Balochistan and see the ground realities for themselves and bring the occupying forces brutalities to the world’s attention. It’s [Pakistan’s] state sponsored media has adopted the policy of ‘all is well in Balochistan’ in order to mislead the world about factual situation of Balochistan. The International Community should know that this outrageous state is trying to hide its atrocities Baloch people by dubbing Baloch nation as terrorists.
Hyrbyair Marri said that slave-minded Baloch ministers who praise their Punjabi masters are not the representative of Baloch people; they represent their own vested interests and personal gains. They have forgotten the great country of Balochistan and they are dishonoring the sacrifices of our fallen heroes because these ministers have been tasked to promote the concept of Pakistani slavery in Balochistan. They should be well-aware of the fact how history has treated National traitors.
The participation of these selfish-minded so called Baloch, worshipers of Pakistani parliament, to one of the darkest day in Baloch history [14 August] and hoisting the flag of enemy’s country, which was only confined to military cantonments, is tantamount to collaborating with the Baloch enemy.
On August 11 the Baloch Nation has held reference with regards to “Balochistan’s Independence Day” and pledged that their main goal is to free Balochistan from the occupation of alien Pakistani forces. Hyrbyair Marri said that we all have to prove practically that we are the voice of Baloch people that are struggling to defend the Baloch land. He called upon all Baloch unite to defend the national honor and identity of the mother land and take forward the struggle for freedom.
Drawing the attention of world community towards Baloch history he said that Baloch are trying their best to convince International Community that Balochistan had been occupied by Pakistan forcefully against their will and it is imposing its decision on Baloch nation at gun point. Therefore, the Baloch leader explained that Baloch are totally different from Pakistanis on every aspect [language, culture and way of life], Hence, Pakistan had no right to represent the Baloch national interests. He said that the sovereign independent Baloch homeland had been divided into different parts under morbid interests and conspiracies. Mr. Marri said that the colonial powers had committed genocide of Baloch nation by exploiting the vocabulary of terrorism and attributing it to the freedom and peace loving Baloch.
Expressing his dismay the Baloch national leader said that despite being well aware of the facts about Balochistan situation, the international community had, so far, maintained a policy of “see and ignore - hear and forget”. The Baloch have rendered numerous sacrifices to regain their sovereignty and they are adamant to continue their struggle till the ultimate victory. Despite the cruel tactics of the enemy, there is no dearth of sons of soil for sacrificing their lives for the freedom of the nation.
Expressing his views about America’s intention of opening a Consulate in Quetta Hyrbyair Marri said that he become aware this news through media sources; he said that if they want to open a consulate in Quetta, they can do that according to international laws as such law already exist. However, he said that Pakistan has no right to decide the destiny of Baloch nation. Historically Baloch are a sovereign nation and owner of an Independent country. There is no harm if world communities, including America want to establish their foreign Missions in Balochistan but America and other nations should acknowledge the sovereign status of Balochistan and should allow us (the Baloch) to open our embassies in their respective countries, because Pakistan’s embassies around the world do not represent Baloch and Balochistan.
He made it clear that America and other nations should keep in view [respect] the Baloch national sovereignty, integrity and the Independent status of Balochistan while making any decisions/bonds with Pakistan. “We would never tolerate any Nation that collaborates with Pakistan against the will of Baloch people and decides our destiny. We Baloch as an independent and separate nation would want to establish relationship of mutual interests with International community”.
Hyrbyair Marri said that International Community has been suffering from the terrorism and religious madness/extremism promoted and abetted by Pakistan from past one decade but the Baloch Nation has been facing these [terrorism and religious extremism of Pakistan] from 64 years. Pakistan is exploiting the religion for its vested interests. Besides its own interests this fundamentalist state has no concerns about world peace and sovereignty. It is high time that International Community become realistic, recognize the independent status of Balochistan and join hands with Baloch people to accelerate their efforts for a more peaceful and safer world and save it from not only incidents like 9/11 and 7/7 but more sever and destructive occurrences in future.
The patriot Baloch leader said that the main reason behind Pakistan’s reluctant to allow the US to establish a consulate in Quetta is because the presence of American staff in Balochistan will witness Pakistan’s military operations and atrocities against Baloch people. An illustration of Pakistan’s hesitant is the limiting the activities of foreign NGOs to Quetta only and putting restriction on their movements anywhere else in Balochistan. They are not allowed to help three hundred thousand Marri, Bugti and other Baloch victims of Pakistan’s military operations. Balochistan has been declared a ‘No Go’ area for International observers and media. “Pakistan does not want the International Organisations and media to visit Balochistan and see the ground realities for themselves and bring the occupying forces brutalities to the world’s attention. It’s [Pakistan’s] state sponsored media has adopted the policy of ‘all is well in Balochistan’ in order to mislead the world about factual situation of Balochistan. The International Community should know that this outrageous state is trying to hide its atrocities Baloch people by dubbing Baloch nation as terrorists.
Hyrbyair Marri said that slave-minded Baloch ministers who praise their Punjabi masters are not the representative of Baloch people; they represent their own vested interests and personal gains. They have forgotten the great country of Balochistan and they are dishonoring the sacrifices of our fallen heroes because these ministers have been tasked to promote the concept of Pakistani slavery in Balochistan. They should be well-aware of the fact how history has treated National traitors.
The participation of these selfish-minded so called Baloch, worshipers of Pakistani parliament, to one of the darkest day in Baloch history [14 August] and hoisting the flag of enemy’s country, which was only confined to military cantonments, is tantamount to collaborating with the Baloch enemy.
On August 11 the Baloch Nation has held reference with regards to “Balochistan’s Independence Day” and pledged that their main goal is to free Balochistan from the occupation of alien Pakistani forces. Hyrbyair Marri said that we all have to prove practically that we are the voice of Baloch people that are struggling to defend the Baloch land. He called upon all Baloch unite to defend the national honor and identity of the mother land and take forward the struggle for freedom.
Thursday, June 2, 2011
Renowned Baloch scholar Professor Saba Dashtyari Killed by Pakistan Military death squad
June 01: Pakistan Military death squad has target killed Renowned Baloch scholar, writer and poet Professor Saba Dashtyari at Sariab Road, Quetta Balochistan.
Saba Dashtyari Baloch (1953–June 1, 2011; Urdu: صبا دشتیاری بلوچ) was a Baloch professor in Islamic studies. Born in 1953 in Lyari district of Karachi in a lower-middle class family, Mr. Dashtiyari taught Islamic studies at the University of Balochistan, Quetta and was respected as a top Balochi language writer and intellectual whose literary works appeared in leading journals and magazines. He had authored several books and laid the foundation of a premier Balochi language academy in Karachi. Saba held a Masters Degree in Philosophy and Islamic Studies and taught theology. He was fluent in many langauges including English, Persian and Arabic.
His literary contributions include more than 24 books on Balochi literature, history, poetry and translations. He also established the Syed Zahoor Shah Hashmi reference library, Pakistan’s largest library on Balochi literature, in Malir area of Karachi.
The library houses more than 150,000 books in various languages on Balochi literature, culture and civilisation. Furthermore, he also compiled an index and bibliography of Balochi literature published in the past 50 years.
Wednesday, April 6, 2011
Sindh's Prominent scholar and intellectual Dr. Nabi Bux Baloch passes away.
Prominent scholar and intellectual Dr. Nabi Bux Baloch died of a heart attack late Tuesday night.
Baloch was a famous literary figure and wrote several important books on Sindh’s history. His most famous compilation is Shah Abdul Latif jo Risalo which comprises of ten volumes and has a massive fan following all over the world. His other important contribution was the compilation of the Sindhi dictionary.
He served as a first dean of Sindh University and later became the vice chancellor of the university. Baloch was proficient in Sindhi, Persian, Arabic and Urdu languages.
He was born on December 16, 1917 in village Jaffar Khan Leghari of district Sanghar. He got early education from High School Noshehro Feroz and graduated from Junagarh College. He got his masters degree in Arabic, from Aligarh University. He received his doctorate degree from Colombia University in 1946.
Friday, March 4, 2011
The street of Karachi were filled with Baloch youths celebrating Balochi culture day widely promoted by VSH TV channel and reported by Dawn news paper(which never reports the daily killings of missing persons in Balochistan), nothing wrong celebrating culture day but at the moment Baloch are going through harshest times in the history of Balochistan, bodies of Baloch youth, social and political workers are falling daily basis by Pakistan's ethnic Muslim Punjabi army. It makes no sense to organize such rallies like this. When target killing of Urdu speaking traders happen in shershah locality of Karachi by unknown gangs. The MQM terror squads( preplanned manner) were unleashed on Baloch civilians of Karachi.
National Ids were checked of Baloch unarmed civilians whether travelling in local buses or working in in their work places or walking on the streets and were shot point blank, that was not enough these MQM terrorist went door to door apartment buildings where isolated Baloch families were living and warned them to leave from their homes if next time they come none of them will live.
These tactics were preplanned by Pakistan's agencies to intimidate Baloch people who are very optimistic about their legal demand of free state.
VSH TV can play very vital role in Baloch daily lives at least in Karachi if they stop playing deep emotion of this Nation. Baloch people need their voices heard through out civilized countries about brutalities of Pakistani State. If VSH TV management can not do that than please stop playing with the emotions of those mothers, sisters, brothers and father who's love ones mutilated bodies were thrown on the street from government custody and those who are still in Pakistan's army's torture cells. At this stage every one including VSH TV staff can play crucial part and that's what Baloch Nation expect from them in future.
Baloch are not against Pakistan but Balochistan have been occupied by Pakistan's ethnic Punjabi speaking army this is a reality but one should not turn their backs from reality just because of same faith.
Baloch emerging media and diaspora have responsibility to inform outside world about this unjust occupation and brutalities being committed by the Pakistan's army and other Pakistan's state run terror groups like ISI, MI, FC etc., to forcefully maintain their occupation. The culture day should be celebrated but not the shape of rallies, at-least not now, where whole of your Nation is under siege by occupied forces. At this time our job should be to inform Baloch people who are living different parts of Pakistan or other parts of the world and unite them against ground realities.
Monday, February 28, 2011
A Legendary Baloch Poet, Singer and Historian Remembered
Baloch community in the UAE comprising expatriates and local last week remembered their legendry folklore balladeer singer Mulla Kamalan, who earned the Pride of Performance during Khatami regime and citizenship from Oman Government in early 1960’s for his classical singing.
Over 2000 Balochs, overwhelmingly expatriates from Pakistan, Iran and neighbouring Gulf countries on Thursday gathered in the emirate to remember one the most famous singer and scholar of Baloch history.
A large number of guests, including poets, scholars, journalists, doctors, engineers and singers from the UAE, Oman, Bahrain, Pakistan and Scandinavia attended the function to pay their tributes to the late singer. Three famous singers, Basham Baloch, Arif Baloch and Mohammed Alam, especially came from Pakistan to perform at the memorial show.
Kamalan was famous throughout Iranian and Pakistani Balochistan as well as in Afghanistan’s Baloch province of Nimorze and Turkmenistan’s southern Merv (Mary) region where over half a million Balochs live.
“He was the most famous and known classical and folklore singer to document our and the world history as far as the Baloch history goes back. He was an encyclopaedia with a sharp memory,” said Zayeda Raees Raji, who administers a website dedicated to Baloch culture and heritage.
The first anniversary of the legendary singer was observed by the UAE-based Syed Labzanki Majlis (Syed Literary Council) with the support of Baloch Cultural Council. Mulla Kamalan was born in Latidan in Dashtiyari District of Chabahar, the port city of Iranian Balochistan across the Arabian Gulf. He died of natural death in the early hours of February 21, 2010.
“We have lost a great institution in Mulla Kamalan’s death,” said Sardar Akhtar Jan Mengal, former Chief Minister of Balochistan and leader of Balochistan National Party (BNP), who was the chief guest at the function.
Mengal said though Kamalan lived about 800km away (in Iranian or Western Balochistan) from his home town in Wadh on Sindh border, he was equally famous across the regions where Baloch live – Sindh, Southern Punjab, Afghanistan, Turkmenistan and East Africa (particularly Zanzibar, Tanzanian and Mombasa in Kenya ) and Gulf where millions of Baloch live.
The former chief executive of Balochistan said Kamalan was an encyclopaedia, memorising the entire Baloch history as well the history of Islam and political affairs, for instance his narrations of historical events of First World War.
Kamalan’s type of singing was called shehr, narrating historical events accompanied by chung (a three-string guitar) and suroze (a traditional violin) , very similar to that of Gulf Arab folklore songs. Some of his famous shehrs include the history of the 30-year-old war of the Great Chakar and Gohram of Rind and Lashar Baloch tribes that goes into 1,200 verses.
The keynote speech was delivered by Aziz Dad Yar Baloch who came from Sweden to pay his tribute to Kamalan. The other guests included Siddique Baloch, the Editor-in-Chief and owner of Balochistan Express Group of Newspapers based in Balochistan capital Quetta.
Dad Yar shed light on the life of the legendry singer and his fame among 20 million Baloch around the world. Dr Abdul Aziz Kalmati, another scholar, who lives in the UAE, spoke about his ballades and sharp memory that housed over 400 songs or narrations of historical facts – each an hour if sang.
Siddique Baloch of Balochistan Express told Khaleej Times Kamalan earned his title of Mulla for his sharp memory of historical events and singing. He said: “Mulla in Balochi means a wise-man or a scholar. It has been wrongly interpreted to fundamental religious elements. Kamalan earned the title at the age of 15 when he sang in the court of the most reputed notables in Bahu Kalat, his parental hometown. Mulla, which is a typical Balochi word, purely means wise man or in today’s world can be equivalent to doctorate – a musician, singer, sportsman, poet, teacher or any learned man is blessed with the title.”
Alam Sardarzai, a close freeing of the legend said: “Mulla Kamalan, who was born in 1936, has never been to a school. But he was a great philosopher and historian. If we collect and document his folklore ballades of historical facts and print them out, we may need a huge library. He had a tremendous and sharp memory to remember and narrate over 400 extremely lengthy ballades. It should have gone to the Guinness Book of Records. He used to sing for 13 nights continuously, each night for five hours, and without repetitions. He would never repeat song at a function – in fact if he sang a song today, it would be repeated only after two events or gatherings.”
Aslam Hoath, a nephew of Kamalan who now lives and works in Bahrain, said his uncle had memorised the whole historical happenings from Baloch tribal wars to the Second World War and narrated them in his classical style of singing to pass them from generation to generation.
“Though he had not gone to a school, which did not exist in both Eastern and Western Balochistan during youth days, he had a sharp memory to document the ballades narrated by other pahlvan (top and unbeaten classical singers) when he was a young boy. He also had the original written works of pre-contemporary poets like Mulla Fazul and Mulla Qassim. Some of his classical important and rare collections were published and documented in a book called Miras (Heritage) in Bahrain compiled by Faqeer Shad. All the rare poems in Miras were from Mulla Kamalan’s rich library,” he said.
Ismael Mumtaz, another prominent poet from Bahrain and a former senior Gulf Air Instructor, said Mulla was an asset for the Baloch people with his rich knowledge of local and global current affairs memorised and passed on to his people through his typical and classical type of singing.
Mumtaz said: “I would call him a doctor and a professor for his oceanic intelligence and knowledge on the world unique style of singing and documenting historical happenings and sharing them with his people. For me he is Dr Kamalan.”
Sardarzai said Kamalan explore his talent of folklore singing during a trade trip between Dashtiyari and Gwadar carrying coal barter with dry fish. “He, aged 14, along with other traders, in a camel caravan was returning from Gwadar and stopped near Paleeri for the night. Since they could not sleep due to cool weather, they decided to have fun with classical singing. It was his first folklore song. All of a sudden a white-bearded old man comes to them and asks who was narrating the ballade. The old man told Mulla that he had a great voice and talent and will earn a big name in Baloch history,” recalled Sardarzai.
The function held in Ajman was highly responsive and the people paid due attention to the speeches, the keynote address by Aziz Baluch. On the occasion, the works of Major Majeed, yet another outstanding poet, was launched and some copies of his verses were distributed among the select gathering.
The function was termed a great success and a good response for initiating culture and literary days more frequently to promote Balochi language and culture in the entire Gulf region. (Courtesy: The Khaleej Times)
Monday, January 31, 2011
The Degree is degree
The recent remarks by Balochistan's Nawab sardar cheif minster caused stir in Pakistani media and you tube about the fake degrees of pakistani law makers that “degree is degree whether its fake or real”. Dont take its face value he really meant it, story goes when Jinnah diverted his commitment for a free India from British, for a Muslim state, street of Lahore and areas of muslim punjab were already planning how to take over the new muslim country. As the muslim Punjabis were British very loyal soldiers ( few rupees did the jobs for Brits) so they were the chosen people to take controll the new baby being born later named Pakistan. As these soldiers of British empire transforming themselves as soldiers of Islam start distributing fake degrees to their home boys to take controll of the new country, they crowded almost every venue of governament, every job by these fake colleage and unversity degrees holders from Muslim Punjab. In fact they were camouflaging Punjabi Nationalsim with the Pakistani flag and Muslim brotherhood. Today we see 90% of Pakistani breaucrates, army, navy airforce and foreign embassadors and foreign consulate employees are Muslim Punjabis thanks to combination of MI5(creating pakistan) and those intially distributed fake degrees.
Than these fake degree holder Punjabi Nationalist not even liked the idea of capital of Pakistan to be in Karachi so they moved it closer to home in Punjab Named it Islamabad. Thats where they do politic of Islam to hide their nationalism. As some muslims immigrants from India were also part of this bargain chip, so some unkown numbers muslim immigrants werer also given high level of governament jobs with degrees(fake or not does not matter). Later on the most of the interior sindh's agricultural land was distributed to their retired army generals as an incentive of being a good soldier of Islam. The sindhis were marginalised that way, as Baloch refused to buy slogan of Islam or Muslim brotherhood, in fact they were not even part of this drama to begin with, but our pushto brothers closed their eyes and belived it blindly, so they got tiny room in military and breaucracy.
Baloch are thankful of BSO Baloch Student Organisation for saving Baloch Students to be victim of Pakistani mindset of Jahadi Islam, although since creation of this country Baloch are constantly being harassed, kidnapped, tortured and killed by Pakistans ethinic Punjabi army and its agencies.
As soon as this country created, Panjabi Nationalism became active under the uniform and Pakistani flag, they started victamising other minorities living with in the boundries of Pakistan. For example
Lyari karachi was birh place of any sport played in karachi ie from Boxing, Cycling, soccer and cricket in all those sports youth from lyari were munber one in British time, even early years of Pakistan most of the sportsman qulified for any olympic or Asian games were from lyari Karachi. But as more punjabis keep pouring in as recruits by army, navy, police and airforce from punjab and Islamabad
more discriminative they became, army official directly interfere in civilian matter and soon all sportsman representing Pakistan in international gaming events were punjabis from arm forces rather than a son of labourer from lyari or any other part of the country. This attitude did not stop there but they preplaned to destroy every neighbourhood for which this new country supposed to stand for.
At this stage when Ayub Khan took over as army cheif, he was totally stunned to see so many Baloch population in karachi while punjabis are pouring in too as recruits so he decided to bring his own ethinc group, first a created panic among Baloch population in karachi by offically supporting some bad guys(sheruk/dadul) from lyari as a gangs to intimadate others, after successfully creating rift among Baloch population, using its offical power he brought hundrads of thousands of pushtoons in karachi and hand them over transpots bussiness of karachi. My point is, this country is being run ethnic nationalism bases from day one, in the name of Islam. Later on the these people used well educated class of karachi to become partner of this crime ie Muslim immigrant from india, since MQM (Immigrant National Movement) created by army dictator Zia ul haq the education standard of karachi went into the toilet. Cheating in exams and issung fake degrees became common trend in karachi in almost every ethinic group. Later on these degree holders became Assassins of opponent political groups. Every time army took over in Pakistan they destroyed it as much as they could, why beacuse the foundation laid in army with fake degrees and too much greed which superseeded Pakistan's interest.Here are the facts ayub and yahya the successive gernerals
came in to power the country broke in as Bangladesh, when Zia took over he give gift of AK47 and heroin to poor people. Mushrraf the most ill mannered and extreemly inferior complex armyman brought religious extreemism and sucide bombers, to top it off we have Mr 10% and his bozo Rehman malik we still dont know what kind of degree he holds.
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
Bizaan key zanagey rochaan

Baley Balochanee wathee zanthkari ameshent key wanthee dost o doshmenaan shareeye sara zentheen. Maroochee maye matheen wathan dunyahe mazeen taqathaaney chamey cheraheen . Chosheen wahda maye wathey zenthkari o yakjahey kar gherag lotee.
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