The recent remarks by Balochistan's Nawab sardar cheif minster caused stir in Pakistani media and you tube about the fake degrees of pakistani law makers that “degree is degree whether its fake or real”. Dont take its face value he really meant it, story goes when Jinnah diverted his commitment for a free India from British, for a Muslim state, street of Lahore and areas of muslim punjab were already planning how to take over the new muslim country. As the muslim Punjabis were British very loyal soldiers ( few rupees did the jobs for Brits) so they were the chosen people to take controll the new baby being born later named Pakistan. As these soldiers of British empire transforming themselves as soldiers of Islam start distributing fake degrees to their home boys to take controll of the new country, they crowded almost every venue of governament, every job by these fake colleage and unversity degrees holders from Muslim Punjab. In fact they were camouflaging Punjabi Nationalsim with the Pakistani flag and Muslim brotherhood. Today we see 90% of Pakistani breaucrates, army, navy airforce and foreign embassadors and foreign consulate employees are Muslim Punjabis thanks to combination of MI5(creating pakistan) and those intially distributed fake degrees.
Than these fake degree holder Punjabi Nationalist not even liked the idea of capital of Pakistan to be in Karachi so they moved it closer to home in Punjab Named it Islamabad. Thats where they do politic of Islam to hide their nationalism. As some muslims immigrants from India were also part of this bargain chip, so some unkown numbers muslim immigrants werer also given high level of governament jobs with degrees(fake or not does not matter). Later on the most of the interior sindh's agricultural land was distributed to their retired army generals as an incentive of being a good soldier of Islam. The sindhis were marginalised that way, as Baloch refused to buy slogan of Islam or Muslim brotherhood, in fact they were not even part of this drama to begin with, but our pushto brothers closed their eyes and belived it blindly, so they got tiny room in military and breaucracy.
Baloch are thankful of BSO Baloch Student Organisation for saving Baloch Students to be victim of Pakistani mindset of Jahadi Islam, although since creation of this country Baloch are constantly being harassed, kidnapped, tortured and killed by Pakistans ethinic Punjabi army and its agencies.
As soon as this country created, Panjabi Nationalism became active under the uniform and Pakistani flag, they started victamising other minorities living with in the boundries of Pakistan. For example
Lyari karachi was birh place of any sport played in karachi ie from Boxing, Cycling, soccer and cricket in all those sports youth from lyari were munber one in British time, even early years of Pakistan most of the sportsman qulified for any olympic or Asian games were from lyari Karachi. But as more punjabis keep pouring in as recruits by army, navy, police and airforce from punjab and Islamabad
more discriminative they became, army official directly interfere in civilian matter and soon all sportsman representing Pakistan in international gaming events were punjabis from arm forces rather than a son of labourer from lyari or any other part of the country. This attitude did not stop there but they preplaned to destroy every neighbourhood for which this new country supposed to stand for.
At this stage when Ayub Khan took over as army cheif, he was totally stunned to see so many Baloch population in karachi while punjabis are pouring in too as recruits so he decided to bring his own ethinc group, first a created panic among Baloch population in karachi by offically supporting some bad guys(sheruk/dadul) from lyari as a gangs to intimadate others, after successfully creating rift among Baloch population, using its offical power he brought hundrads of thousands of pushtoons in karachi and hand them over transpots bussiness of karachi. My point is, this country is being run ethnic nationalism bases from day one, in the name of Islam. Later on the these people used well educated class of karachi to become partner of this crime ie Muslim immigrant from india, since MQM (Immigrant National Movement) created by army dictator Zia ul haq the education standard of karachi went into the toilet. Cheating in exams and issung fake degrees became common trend in karachi in almost every ethinic group. Later on these degree holders became Assassins of opponent political groups. Every time army took over in Pakistan they destroyed it as much as they could, why beacuse the foundation laid in army with fake degrees and too much greed which superseeded Pakistan's interest.Here are the facts ayub and yahya the successive gernerals
came in to power the country broke in as Bangladesh, when Zia took over he give gift of AK47 and heroin to poor people. Mushrraf the most ill mannered and extreemly inferior complex armyman brought religious extreemism and sucide bombers, to top it off we have Mr 10% and his bozo Rehman malik we still dont know what kind of degree he holds.
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